The Green Cities Foundation wants to work with you to Green Your City! We can provide matching grants and/or material and labour donations to support greenspace renovation projects in your neighbourhood.
Currently, we offer two grant programs:
#GreenMyCity Grant
The #GreenMyCity grant program supports the restoration and building of green spaces, such as parks, community gardens, sports fields, playgrounds, and public open spaces that serve different populations and environments. Urban green spaces are a proven, cost-effective solution to develop greener, healthier, and more resilient cities. Vibrant communities are rooted in plants that promote health benefits for all city dwellers and help mitigate the effects of a changing climate, keeping cities livable and safe.
Grant Details:
- Grant Amount: Funding is project-based and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to available funds. Early applications are encouraged.
- Eligibility: This grant is for greenspace projects that will be completed in 2025. Projects must be located in Canada.
- The grant provides up to 50% matching funds through cash, in-kind material, and/or labour donations to support selected projects.
- Each project will be evaluated based on its alignment with our mission and the benefits it brings to the local community.
Project application form Application guide Donate to our mission
Community Greenspace Grant (Toronto - Calgary - Montreal & Surrounding Areas)
The Community Greenspace Grant supports the creation and restoration of urban greenspaces across Canada. The program aims to provide resources and funding to bring meaningful green infrastructure to communities, enhancing resilience, biodiversity, and overall well-being. Eligible spaces include parks, community gardens, playgrounds, sports fields, and open public spaces.
Grant Details:
- Grant Amount: Up to $150,000
- Eligibility: This grant is for greenspace projects that will be completed in 2025. Projects must be located in Toronto, Calgary, or Montreal (and surrounding areas).
- The grant provides up to 50% matching funds through cash, in-kind material, and/or labour donations to support selected projects.
- Each project will be evaluated based on its alignment with our mission and the benefits it brings to the local community.